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Start today Making a difference with Rooibos

Use Annique products, order monthly health and beauty products and benefit from becoming a member.


Start selling to your friends and family and earn income on your orders through the discount you receive.


Build a business by recruiting others to do the same, and earn on team sales.


How does it work?


Be your own best customer and start using the products

Order and pay online at your own time paying with your bank card.

Getting a 20% discount (There is no minimum order)

Receive product info and training on WhatsApp and email

After registration, you can access the Annique Academy with detailed info on products, business and online courses.


What does it cost?


No registration fees

Delivery Cost: vary depending on the method used

Orders of R6 000+ will qualify for free delivery


How do I register?


Complete the form below or message me directly on

WhatsApp 083 716 3635 

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