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Slimming bomb recipe


Annique Rooibos & Ginger teabag

Annique Rooibos & Senna teabag

Annique Green Rooibos Teabag

Annique Rooibos & Mint teabag

Annique Rooibos & Buchu teabag

Annique Rooibos & Fennel teabag

Annique Rooibos & Cinnamon teabag

Annique Rooibos, Milk Thistle & Dandelion teabag

Lemon slices

A dash of honey - optional


Put one teabag of each of the teas in a large jug and add 1 cup boiling water per bag. When the mixture has cooled down, add the lemon slices. Drink ice cold.

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